Blog Archive

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Yes, that's exactly what I feel like doing.  Petey has officially driven me to the edge with his I-have-to-be-right-beside-you-or-I-will-start-to-cry behavior.  Seriously... what gives?  It's not even like I'm that nice.  WHY do my children want to be around me all of the time?  On my lap when I'm at the computer.  Smack-dab next to me on the couch.  Beside me in the laundry room.  In...the...bathroom.  Basically rightnexttomealldaylong.  Sigh.  Chris tries to help but he's at work all day.  And then when he returns, it takes Pete a little bit to warm up to him again.  Sigh.

But, when I was "cleaning" out my iPhone this morning I came across this video of Henry talking to me over the summer (at my mom's house).  I was reminded of God's plan.  He purposefully makes children funny and cute so you don't give them away.  Or put them out on the curb.  Or place a "for sale" sign around their neck.  Not that I've thought of doing any of those things, of course...

(Forgive all of the "interruptions" during our conversation.  And in case you are having trouble understanding him, Henry is asking me-- presumably in a British accent??-- "Do you have any sores, my lady?" and then he switches to, "Would you like some tea, my lady?")

Yesterday when I dropped Henry and Gabby off at school, I noticed a great big picture the class drew, entitled "Friends," on the wall leading into their classroom.  I looked the whole picture over, looking for Henry's name and then I found it.... next to a big mess of color and circles and a little man.

Me:  "Henry... what is this?  Did you draw a picture of your friends?"

Henry:  "Nah.  I drew a picture of a magician in a bottle instead."  

Me:  "Ahhhh, yes."


  1. HAhah why are your kids so funny? I think it's because of YOU.

    but really, "Do you have any sores m'lady?" hahaha WHERE DOES HE GET THIS STUFF!?

    -Proud Auntie ;)

  2. Hilarious video! Thanks for making me laugh Henry!


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.