Blog Archive

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Henry asked me yesterday when I was going to "hatch another baby."

To which I immediately made a mental note to self....


Monday, June 24, 2013

We are clearly...

raising a bunch of geniuses.  Evidence...

#1:  "James.  Go get the sunscreen and put it on before you get into the neighbor's pool."
I'd say his face look more ridiculous but
really, when you consider his torso application,
I do believe that takes the cake.
 #2:  "Peter.  Sit down and I'll get out the art supplies.  You can color."

I came in to find an entire
sheet of stickers on his lips.
 #3.  "Henry.  What are you doing?"

His exact response?
"My back has more lumps than a mattress!!"

#4.  "Oh sweet shit, why does it feel like Africa up here?!"

Well that's probably because one
of my little Mensa students turned the HEAT on!!

So... in an effort to combat our apparent genetic mediocrity, I started Summer School this morning!!  Yaaay, Mom!

"That's right."  I said,  "Sit down.  Find your name.  Get to work."

James whined the entire time.  Henry absolutely loved it and asked for more work.  ("Why are you such a nerd?" James asked him.  Lovely.)   And Peter ripped the paper off of as many crayons as he could.

Everyone had reading/ writing work, a math assignment, and
and age appropriate "game" to play.

Hard at work!

And after those 20 minutes, life went back to "normal"....

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Our "little" Bruiser...

On Sunday Peter took not one but two nosedives in the span of about an hour.  First he fell off of a bunk bed at our friend's house and then he tripped and fell right into the door frame as we were getting ready for bath time.  

Have you ever seen a knot that big?!

SuperMan not feeling so super...
I'm happy to report he was back to his old, silly self yesterday with just a small bruise to show for it.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Round Up...

We had a pretty low-key weekend.  Chris had the day off on Friday so he and I decided to get a babysitter and go out to dinner.  Although the food was just eh, it was nice spending time alone.  On Saturday Summer and Ben Morales and their kids (Ava, Gabe, and Addy) joined us and the Palazzinis for a BBQ at our house.  We set up the new water slide and we all had a great time!

On Father's Day we did more of the same-- relaxing at home, playing on the water slide, and goofing around with the boys...

Chris is such a wonderful dad and the boys absolutely adore him...

This morning was the first day of camp for the big boys.  James started Football Camp and was super excited!

And Henry started the week off at The Little Gym!  They have weekly camps from 9-12.  He went to a few last summer and loved them so he wanted to try it out again this year.

We are enjoying the beginning of summer vacation and hope you are too!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Word of Caution...

to the Grandmas who are coming to watch the boys for us in less than three weeks!  Have I mentioned that Chris and I are going to San Francisco for a whole week to visit Megan and Tocco?!  We leave on July 3rd and CAN.NOT.WAIT!  My mom and Chris's mom, Jackie, are coming into town to watch the boys for us.  They're super excited.  Or lying.  But either way, we're gettin' on that jet plane.

Back to the advice for those Sweet (unsuspecting) Grandmas...

If the house is quiet and A) Peter is in it and B) he is not asleep... fear.  Fear should envelop your body because HE IS UP TO NO GOOD.

At any given moment, he may be....

Painting the vanity with toothpaste...

Pushing his older brother down...

Dumping an entire box of noodles on the floor...

Laying on top of Charlie with my iPad...

Painting our BRAND NEW bed...

Squishing Slash...

"Helping cook" when you're not cooking... 

Half naked with the outside hose on...

Or trying to hitch a ride...

However tempting it may be to sit and enjoy the silence... and, Oh Sweet God, it will be... DO NOT rest on your laurels.  You must get up and investigate.  Because

You have both been warned.  :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

$1 Movie days!

The local, new movie theater started their annual $1 Movie Days for kids this summer!  For only $1 per child (and kids 3-and-under are free and adults are free!) and $1 popcorn and $1 drinks, we all got to watch The Lorax!

We had quite a crew with us this morning...

A bunch of kids for only 3 mamas!
Friends of ours from West Point, the Moraleses, moved in across the street from us over the weekend!  We are super excited they're finally here.  Two of their three children joined us at the movies so it was extra fun.

Silly kids :)

 Let's see... I think Pete sat like this for exactly 4 minutes.

Yup.  4 full minutes.
 And then he did this for the rest of the hour and twenty minute movie...

Back and forth...

Back and forth...

Well, save the 20 minutes Sweet Ms. Brittany took him "on a walk" around outside the theater.  She's so good to the boys (and me!).

Oh.  Annnnd Pete's back...

Overall it was a great time and the kids seemed to love it.  I imagine we'll be back again soon.  Next week the theater is showing The Smurfs!  Any takers??  :)

Last Day of School!!!

Yesterday was James's last day of 2nd grade.  Cortney and I decided to surprise her son, Nicolas, and James when they walked off the school bus.  We filled about 250 water balloons and several water guns and waited...

The sign read "Happy last day of 2nd grade!
These are your Water Balloons!  We are armed
with Water Guns!  Catch us if you can!"

It took a LONG time to fill all these balloons!

 After the water balloon fight, we took all the kids to Gillis Hill Farm for their homemade ice cream!

It's been on my local "to do"
list since we moved in last year.

The farm is much bigger
than it looks from the road and
is literally only 1/4 of a mile from the house.

Rocking and eating...

Miss Cortney stealing a bite!

Henry and his chocolate cone...

"All gone!"  





Checking out the farm animals...

Walking down the path to check out more animals...

Feeding and petting the goats...

But what happened next was the most fun we'd all had in awhile...

It started to MONSOON!!!!
 The kids had an absolute blast running and playing in the summer rain...

It was a "last day" we'll all remember forever!

About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.