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Sunday, December 30, 2012

More Christmas Day...

After the morning craziness was cleaned up, we all went over to my Aunt Barbara's house for a fun afternoon and evening of eating, drinking, playing cards, celebrating Margot and James's birthdays, and just hanging out with family.  Santa Claus even stopped by for a visit!

Mom, Aunt Barbara, Santa, Aunt Judy

Our family and Santa Claus

Our family and Santa Claus, take 2

Eric, Andrea, and Anthony

Jon, Debbie, Grace, Santa, and Erica

Sam, Sheila, Santa, Reese, Marc and Morgan

James and Chris

Santa-time chaos!

What a bunch!

Petey and Gigi 

Santa and Margo

Dave and Mom

Laura and Liam

David, Mom, Kevin

The newlyweds!  Suzanne and Kevin

James, Keegan, Sam

Aunt Barbara and birthday-baby Margo

Keith, Margo, Marc

Sheila, Suzanne, Grandma Scaggs, Kevin, David

Laura, Beth, and David

Thank you, Aunt Barbara and Uncle Larry, for hosting such a wonderful Christmas day!  And a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for the overly generous birthday gifts for James... he loved everything!!  XO

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Morning Recap!

We had a wonderful week at home in Maryland!  We were able to spend lots of time with friends and family... Aunt Camille flew in from LA; Chris and I spent a fun evening with my college roommate and best friend, Chrissie; Chris went shooting with his dad one day; Mom and I went shopping at the Leesburg Outlets; we got to spend lots of time with our cousins-- Dave also in from LA, Kevin and Suzanne in from FL, and Laura and her sweet babies in from... well, just down the road; Mom and I were able to go out alone one night for dinner, and Chris and I were able to sneak away one evening for dinner too!  It even snowed on Christmas eve and Christmas day...  how perfect.  The only ones missing, of course, were Papa and Aunt Megan and Uncle T (who'd just returned from Germany and couldn't make the trip home from San Francisco).

Here are a few pictures from Christmas morning.  I'll be back soon with pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas afternoon at my Aunt Barbara's house.  Our computer finally said, "Enough is enough!" and wouldn't let me upload any more pictures.  Seriously... we're going to have to delete some older pictures to make room for new ones.  

As always, Santa Claus went a little bit overboard... 

We thought of you all often and hoped you and your little ones were having a fun holiday with family and friends too!  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Early Christmas gifts...

This morning we surprised the boys with two early Christmas gifts.  Grammie Jackie sent James and Henry iPods!!  And Chris and I gave Peter his big gift-- a train table!

It took the boys a minute to realize what they were opening... and then they were beyond excited!!

Ralphie, our elf, left the boys a little
reminder from Santa...

Chris bought them both OtterBox covers to hopefully protect them from... well, everything!

Checking out the new games...

Peter loves his new toy!

It was such a fun morning!!  Thank you, Grammie, for their awesome gifts.  They LOVE them!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pre-school Christmas Ceremony...

This morning, all of the children in Henry's church preschool sang Christmas songs for friends and family.

But when we walked out to get in the car, this is what we found...

Completely FLAT!
Chris quickly changed the car seats and we hopped in the other car in time to find our little elf!

Henry and Gabby

The 4-year old class...

I took several videos of the children singing but unfortunately this is the only one that is working...

Cute, aren't they?  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2012


Dadisms:  Go outside.

Growing up, my father was always outside on the weekends.  He washed and waxed Slick, his red Honda Civic, all of the time.  I mean allofthetime.  I'll never forget the time I "mistakenly" drove the car through the drive-through car wash in high school.  Even though I was dressed to go out for the night, my dad made me rewash and wax the car before leaving.  I wish I was kidding.  ;)

Dad also enjoyed doing yard work and teaching us how to sweep the clippings.  "Sweep down wind, Beth.  Honestly.  This should not be this hard.  Let me show you again."  He'd say as he'd grab the broom from my hands and show me again how to briskly sweep the freshly-cut grass off of the side walk and driveway.

My parents' first home, 5911 Rayburn Drive, was a special one.  They brought my sister, Megan, and I home from the hospital to that home.  It sat across the street from our very first friends, Christina and Jillian Fields.  And in the back yard, in a clearing in the woods, my dad built my sister and I a park.  A real park!   It had a wobbly bridge, a swing, a path, a balance beam, and tons of play space for our endless energy.  We loved it.  The only sad part is that we don't have any pictures of it.  I wish we did.  I'd love to look at it again.

At the entrance to the park he built, was a wooden sign Dad had made.  It read:  "I linger yet with nature and learn the language of another world."  Beautiful, isn't it?

This was us, then...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

HEAT Christmas Dinner...

Last night Cortney and I went out for a Christmas dinner celebration with our HEAT friends.  We go to HEAT (a high-energy, interval, circuit training type class at the gym) on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings.

It's led by Kristen...

Yeah, I'm not kidding.  She's crazy strong.  So then the question becomes, what in the world do you order for dinner sitting across from her?


Which was delicious.

But... that's no fun for a dinner out with friends.

So then, when she wasn't looking, I ordered THIS!

Ha ha.  I did split it with my friend, Heather, so that evens out to be about... nothing, right??

Friday, December 14, 2012

A mixed morning...

While we were celebrating the Christmas season, visiting with Santa Claus, and having fun with our friends, children in Connecticut were being gunned down by a crazy killer.  Why??  Who does something like that?  How does someone become that sick and that far gone to purposefully kill children?  Twenty children.  I just don't understand.  All of those families.  Mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and grandparents and friends grieving for those innocent children.

In some ways, now looking back, it makes our morning even more special.  We were together... with friends and family.  I really wish James would've been with us.  I made sure to give him the biggest hug I think I've ever given him when he stepped off the bus today.  Like all of you, I will add these families to my prayers and try to make sense out of this senseless act of violence.

Here was our much, much different morning...

The 82nd Airborne Museum on post.
Santa parachuting in!

Henry picking out a stocking...

Clayton, Santa, and Brittany

Our family minus James.
It goes without saying, but Peter
is NOT a fan of Santa.

Henry and "the real Santa" spending time together...

Each child got to pick out a toy
after getting off of Santa's lap.
No surprise-- they both picked out stuffed dogs!

The Condrey family and Santa Claus

He was one of the most authentic-looking Santas we'd all seen.  And they did a fantastic job decorating the museum to look like the North Pole.

God bless the families in Connecticut.

About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.