Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Town Hall meeting...

Last night James's Cub Scout pack went all over the local town completing assignments for their badges.  One of the stops was at the Hope Mills town hall meeting.  Chris had a 6:30pm meeting at work so guess who was lucky enough to take everyone, at the dinner/ bedtime hour, one day after Day Light Savings (which meant it was an hour later on my watch!), in public??  You guessed it... yours truly.

What I didn't realize was that it was an actual meeting, with actual people attending.  You can bet I would've declined had I known but alas, I was in the dark until we arrived.

James's pack had to carry the colors and lead the Pledge of Allegiance.  They did a fantastic job!

Here the boys are meeting the Mayor
before the meeting...

The boys each got to take turns in the special seats...

There's Henry.  Now where's Peter?  This might
have been the moment he decided to rip the A/C cover off.
Little love bug.

Why, yes, that would be a caterpillar.
Henry found him as we were walking inside.
"Yes, yes.  Bring him in but you have to be quiet!" I bribed.

James carrying in the colors.

From the Town Hall meeting we all went to a local fire station.  The boys learned a ton of cool things about our American flag (did you know you have to kiss, not burn, the flag if part of it drops on the floor??  And that you can only walk forward, not backwards, while folding the flag?  That the flag "runs" up the pole as fast as you can make it go, but returns slowly to the bottom?).... and then the boys had to fold an American flag into a triangle.  Pete and Henry were mostly distracted by the huge fire engines and firemen, thankfully.  But it was a nice reminder of why God made.... DADDIES.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. Oh my. I have been in this story before! Anything to keep them quiet. The little love bugs that they are...

    Although this was an impressive whammy for you...daylight savings times, dinner hour, etc...yikes!

    You must have done an awesome job keeping them entertained too with as many facts as you were able to retain from the evening!

    I am certain you were only too happy to share your lil' love bugs with Chris when he finally made it home.


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.