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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend with friends...

We had such a nice weekend with Sherry, Jack, and Lily.  What Sherry and I continue to find amazing is how the children can literally pick up right where they left off, even when months of time have passed.  Which is not unlike my relationship with Sherry! :)  

Unfortunately Sherry and the kids got stuck in a bunch of traffic on I-95 on Friday, so they didn't arrive until almost 9pm.  Believe me when I tell you that James was on pins-and-needles waiting for their arrival.  Jack finally walked through the door, James asked him a question about their previous visit (over Thanksgiving), Jack responded with intense laughter and some mumbled answer and the two boys took off.  We hardly saw them for the two and a half days they were here.

The weekend weather was beautiful-- sunny and 70-- so we took the kids to two new parks...

 On Saturday, our friend Holly invited us all over to have a bbq at her house.  Between our 5 kids, Holly's 4 kids, and Jen's 2 kids (who also drove up from Savannah for the weekend), it was quite a party!  The kids had a blast.  Here are just a few of them...

Army life can have its "downs," but I don't believe there are any friends as wonderful as those you make in it.  We will always be grateful for our friends we consider family.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were able to enjoy such a fun weekend! One of the 'downs' of Army life is having to say goodbye to those good friends...but now as the years go on, often an old-good-friend is waiting there at the next duty station or close enough to make trips like these!


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.