Blog Archive

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Long time, no talk...

Sorry for the two month delay.  I was definitely feeling a little like I've-said-it-all-already and needed a blogging break.  I'm going to try to start posting again regularly.  Easy posts that don't require too much time so that I'm more likely to stick with it.


Chris has been traveling a bunch for work.  He's definitely been away more than around lately which is why the children had countless days off of school for snow rain.  It was on one of those fine rain days, a van loaded with children, that we came out of the grocery store to find... a dead battery.  Perfect.  Thank God for USAA roadside assistance who sent someone within 30 minutes to jump start the car.

A few days later, Chris still in Louisiana, I came out of the gym to find this...
Cute, right?  But not as cute as the mechanic telling me the brakes also needed to be replaced.  And the battery.  Oh, and don't forget the flat tire.  But, I have to be honest... I think he gave me a sweet deal.  Remember, I was in gym clothes.  In a tire shop.  In Fayetteville.  (Who's jealous??)

A few hours later, our van still at the shop, Pete and I made our way to the bus stop to greet the boys off the bus.

No sooner had his feet hit the pavement James announced, "My hair was HORRIBLE all day."

To which Henry replied, "I'm running home.  I have to poop."

All while Peter jumped on and off the grass taunting the bus driver, "You can't get meeee."

There you have it.  All completely typical (asinine) announcements from my children.

We spent the better part of the afternoon doing this until my girlfriend could drive me back to get our van...

Chris returned Saturday around 4am.  I imagine everything will be in working order until he leaves again at the end of the month for 6 weeks.  Maybe the washing machine will explode?


  1. Ugh! Why does that stuff have to happen all together and always be so damn annoying?

    That said, those quotes and that video and your writing made me laugh my butt off. I was super annoyed all day too so thanks for the giggle. Love you all. xoxo

  2. Good to see you back again! The video was awesome. Sharing these moments is why you remember! And laugh...much later down the road.


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.