Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sleepy Henry...

Henry falls asleep in the craziest spots and ways.  Here are some of the best ones...

Mid-way through playing with his trains...

At an Army football game...
On the couch...
Playing on Daddy's laptop...

At the airport...

On a Dora pillow, next to Peter...


With his hands down his pants...

Upside down...

In the car, with a frog on his lap...


Half-way off the bed...

With Chocolate (the dog)

On my stomach...

He must be freezing...

Watching TV...

On a walk...

And my personal favorite-- mid-bath last night...

It's amazing, isn't it?  Don't worry (about narcolepsy, sleep apnea, etc).  I've considered the same but all of these situations can be somewhat "rationalized" by the days' events.  He tries so very hard to keep up with his big brother and his friends... I have to remind myself that he just turned 4 at the beginning of summer.  I wish I could get him to slow down long enough to take a "real" nap!


  1. I love that you are capturing these moments! I think my favorite is the one of his at the airport...seriously? In all of that chaos he was sleeping? I think the sweetest pose you caught was the one of his praying...God, please make my eye all better! Sweet post.

  2. what a little sweetie... I love his pudgy little hands clasped together in the prayer one.

  3. This is the greatest post - i can't believe you had all those photos - AND could locate them and post them all. Fantastic. Those are classic.


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.