Blog Archive

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The countdown...

With less than 24 hours until Daddy's flight arrives, we've been busy getting ready for his homecoming!  We made chocolate chip cookies and blueberry muffins to share tomorrow morning, a red white and blue "welcome home" cake, stocked the fridge with lots of his favorite beer, marinated the steak he wants for dinner, colored a "welcome home" sign to bring with us to Green Ramp (where families greet their soldier), ironed the clothes we will all wear, and decorated the house!  Oh, and did I mention that Chris's flight arrives at 0345AM... and we're supposed to get there 30-45 minutes early?  So the boys and I will plan to wake up around 2am, leave the house around 2:15am to arrive at Green Ramp around 3am.  Of course it'll be worth it once we're all together again...

And in the middle of all of the excitement prepping for Daddy's return, the alarm kept going off.  And off.  And off.  And off.  I couldn't take it anymore and called ADT.  "There's no way that sound is coming from the motion detector, ma'am." Hmmph.  "Okay...let me check it out again." I told her.  I still couldn't get it to stop beeping.  I decided to ask my neighbor, Mike, to come over and check it out all the while thinking,  "Really??!!  Chris is due home in less than 24 hours.  This couldn't have waited just ONE more day?  Just one??!"

Mike was getting totally frustrated with the ADT woman too.  And oh... I can barely type laughing this hard because what you don't see is Mike say, "Oh.  Oh... well, yes, there are two fire alarms sitting right here as well.... Oh.  I stand corrected.  You are right.  Carry on."  It turns out the fire alarms I disconnected yesterday from the ceiling-- because they were randomly beeping-- had turned into a full-fledge alarm sound and they happened to be sitting directly under the ADT motion detector.  Oooh... oh.  That's good.  That's funny.  "Carry on, ADT people.  Carry on."


  1. Why does this sh&% always happen when they are away? And conveniently shortly before they return home?

    We also did the 0200 wake up for Mark's return. Totally fun and worth it. I put the kids in bed all dressed. And they were wide awake the MOMENT I told them it was time to get ready to leave.

    Have fun! I can't wait to see the pictures...

  2. YAY! SOO excited for you all XOXO

  3. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of your precious family back together again.


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.