Blog Archive

Friday, February 15, 2013


we're off!!  Well, not just yet... but soon!  My bathing suits, sunscreen, and sundresses are all packed; the trip documents are printed; I have lots of cash and a passport in my wallet (already sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it?! Ha ha.).  The only slight, itty-bitty problem is that my flight doesn't land until 3:15pm and the boat actually takes off at 5:00pm.  Yes... takes off.  As in pulls away from the dock.  So wish me lots of luck that all of my hard work at the gym pays off and I can HAUL ASS through the Miami airport, find a cab, drive to the port, run with my luggage, and jump on the ship before it leaves.  But did I mention that they don't let anyone on board after 3pm?  Just a teeny tiny line we happened to overlook when booking.  :-/  Hee hee... again, with the luck-thing.  Let's hope it's on our side.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my God. I hope they let you on!! Tell Alison to hold that ship!! Good luck! xo


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.