Blog Archive

Sunday, September 8, 2013


When does the intense loyalty and unspoken "band of brotherhood" among boys start?  Surely as young as 4 or 5 years old because I've witnessed it with my own two eyes and ears more times than I can count.

The most recent example??

This $400 TV that is currently up in the boys' playroom.  Shattered.  Along with the broken wii and the 40+ games strewn about.

This afternoon, when we asked any one of the 8-9 boys who live/ play here what happened their response went like this...

"Um... huh... I don't know anything about that."

"There's a TV upstairs??"

"Wait.  I think that's been broken a lonnnng time now."  (For the record, that is false.  We played as a family within the last 2 weeks.)

Not one of the 8 boys had information as to who may have (albeit, unintentionally) broken either machine.  And the ONLY child they were willing to rat out was Pete because... well, wouldn't you too?

"We think we saw Pete hitting it with a wii remote a few days ago."

Now, I don't mean to throw any of my lady friends and sweet little girls under the proverbial bus but if there were a bunch of GIRLS playing up there, you can be DAMN SURE they'd know who did it, when it was done, and what she was wearing when the offense took place.

I don't know whether to be envious of the boys' loyalty to their friends even at such a very young age (think: Bachelor Party in 20 years... which is TOTALLY annoying, as any fiance can attest to), grateful the boys don't tattletale (I think I might be), or frustrated that everything we buy for them gets broken (okay, maybe a tiny bit).

In the end though?  They're just things and things don't matter.  I know it's cliche but I believe it to be true and really do NOT care about the broken things.  I just wish our boys would take better care of their things because it is also a sign of respect... and disrespect.

Hmmm... another "life lesson" for us to work on.  In other news, we've been going to church every week for the last few months and I'm hoping the lessons are mirrored there.

Fingers crossed... perhaps in prayer hands.  ;)


  1. Not sure if it makes you feel better or not...but we have been there! They haven't broken the Wii yet, but we've had two broken TVs. Yikes!! I think the first time was a lego death star being thrown at someone, not sure if we are lucky it missed that certain someone and busted the TV or not?

  2. Awful! It sounds like you have a extra child in your home like we do...perhaps you have heard of him? His name is "Not Me". Funny thing is I never am able to see "Not Me" in the flesh....


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.