Blog Archive

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Gone Boy...

Chris has spent the better part of the last month "out in the field" conducting training exercises.  Peter innocently asked me a few days ago, "Where IS Daddy's field?" I imagine it is confusing to a 2 year-old when we mention that Daddy is in this elusive field... again.  We drove back home to NC this past Monday (after being up in DC to run the Army 10-Miler) and Chris went directly into work that afternoon.  He's still gone.  And tomorrow is his birthday.  Sigh.

I'm just whining because although we've certainly missed Daddy, we've had a good week.  Well... Peter did come down with a stomach bug on Tuesday but that's par for the course when the guys are gone.  Daddy in the field?  Gone to Afghanistan?  or Iraq? then everybody must come down with stomach bug, vomit on everything, and (just for good measure) maybe the washing machine will break.  ha!  It's in the Army manual.

Down for the count, poor baby.

Fortunately Peter was up and running by Wednesday and was able to go to school again.    Peter absolutely loves his teachers, Ms. Runk and Ms. Hickman, and all of his friends at preschool.  He asks every morning if he gets to go to school.  (He goes M-W-F from 9-12.)

Here Pete is about to walk into school...

One of the cute new tshirts Gigi
bought the boys from Red Envelope!

They've been doing lots of Halloween arts and crafts in Pete's class lately...

The 2 year old classroom is so happy and cheerful looking and the teachers do a great job of rotating activities and toys and "centers" so it's always new for the children...

In other news... Chris was very disappointed to miss James's last football game this morning.  The Redskins won, 12-0.  James learned so much and I'm glad he got the opportunity to practice playing as much as he did this season.

The boys and I are excited to bake Daddy's birthday cake and get ready to celebrate tomorrow... evening... since he isn't expected to come out of the field until dinnertime.  I am also volunteering tomorrow morning at Children's Church so fingers crossed that everyone is agreeable and kind in the morning so we show up happy and on time!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Pete and poor you with Chris being gone. Although I hate cleaning up the vomit and feel terrible for how bad they must feel, I secretly love a sick lethargic kid for a day. Do I dare say it gives me a few hours not too worry about them wrecking things and/or themselves?


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.