Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow day!

The boys got off of school yesterday for the Blizzard of 2014.


So I did what I always do when I don't know what to do with everyone.

I put Peter in the bath.  Three times.

And then we dug out a bunch of art supplies for Pete and Henry to get creative with.  Peter found an old box of letter flashcards in one of our art boxes and totally surprised me by knowing about half of his letters!!  Pete certainly doesn't get them all correct but I didn't realize he knew any.  (Let's blame/credit "third-child-learns-by-osmosis-not-like-1st-and-2nd-kids-did-with-individual-learning-time." )  Pretty darn good for a not-even-three-year-old though...
So… that took us to 8:36am.  I looked in the cupboards, pulled out a bunch of ingredients, and started baking.  I must have been desperate because I am really not a good baker.  I much prefer "cooking" over "baking."
First up, banana oatmeal granola bars my friend, Allison, posted on Facebook:
Yikes.  These didn't turn out very well in my opinion.
The banana in them made them too mushy.  :(
Then… blueberry muffins…
A standard.  The boys and their friends ate
them up in a few minutes.
Then, "best chocolate chip cookies" (as proclaimed by almost 6,000 reviews).  They didn't disappoint.  Here is the recipe if you're interested:  A Must Try!
I baked about 1/4 of the batter on the spot.  They were
devoured!  Then I did what my friend, Krissy, told me she does.
I balled individual servings up and froze them in a ziploc container.  Now
all I have to do is take a few balls of dough out at a time to bake whenever
we want homemade chocolate chip cookies!  
I didn't see one drop of snow all day yesterday but over night, we got about 2-3 inches.  The county called off school (for today) around lunchtime yesterday so the boys are excited for a day of sledding (although we have no sleds anymore), snowball fights, and snowman-making.  I see lots of wet, cold socks, mittens, and people in my future.  :)  


  1. Good job Peter!! That was really cute. Smart boy!

  2. I love baths and showers. They can kill at least twenty minutes and that is just the letting the water run and overflow the tub. Throw in some shaving cream (well worth the $1.29) and I can get nearly an hour of peace. My newest trick it to split them up. One upstairs, one downstairs, and one in the shower. I have found this dramatically decreased the amount of water I would be cleaning up off of the floor later. The fourth kid...well she is always reading. She is never any trouble.


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.