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Thursday, August 28, 2014

1st Day of School!

On Tuesday, the boys started back to school!  James is in 4th grade and Henry is in 1st this year.  The boys were very excited the morning of,  especially since Daddy stayed home to see them get on the bus too and made pancakes for breakfast.

The boys' teachers seem great!  I really hope that's true.
Henry's teacher, Ms. Dyer
James's teacher, Mrs. Roberts
New school outfits were laid out the night before and ready (everyone was excited to finally wear their new shoes!)...
James is back to setting his alarm clock for 6:10am and on the morning of, Henry immediately said, "Finally!  The first day of school is here!"

Mandatory 1st Day Pictures...
Like everyone else, I posted a "first day of school" picture on Facebook and received a ton of comments about how tall and big the boys are.  We see the boys every single day so while I KNOW that to be true, it is interesting to hear how often others (strangers and friends) comment on their size.  James was the tallest of all 3rd graders last year.  I wonder if that will hold true in 4th grade as well.  Henry towers above his best friend, Jonathan, who is 1 1/2 years older than he is-- and Peter is as tall as two of our 5-year old neighbors.  I guess everyone is right!  

But when I look at them, I still see my babies.  Even when I have to look up to them (which may be sooner rather than later in James's case), they will always be my little boys.
Waylon's mom dropped him off
around 7:15 on her way to work.
 Finally time to head up to the bus stop...

Still meeting in the Palazinnis drive way for the bus.
So sad they're not here anymore!

proud daddy
The bus was about 30 minutes late so the kids goofed around, threw the football, and got lots of last-minute kisses from me.  :)

And they're off!


  1. You said Henry's best friend is 1 1/2 which is absolutely hilarious. Also, he's crossing his fingers in that photo of him walking up the street.
    They all look so sweet and handsome and tall. LOVE !

  2. haha… I laughed out loud when I re-read my age mistake. Too funny. And so cute that you noticed Henry's little fingers were crossed. That makes my heart hurt.

  3. That is adorable...about his fingers crossed. It does melt your heart. It is such a big deal to start a new classroom. Is the now third week going as well as those earlier days?


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.