Blog Archive

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Another Craigslist Success!

So, for any of you wondering... I did not get chopped up into little bits two days ago.  That was one of my chief concerns when I went to meet the "woman" I was hoping to buy a mirror from off of Craigslist.  I say "woman" because really, over email, how can you be sure?  Now my girlfriend, Meagan, offered to drive with me but I'm crazy like that and decided to throw caution to the wind and go alone.  The Craigslist woman and I agreed to meet in a Walgreens parking lot, in broad daylight, in order for me to (hopefully) purchase the mirror.  In somewhat of a womp womp, anti-climactic ending, the woman really did turn out to be a woman and a beautiful, expensively dressed, one at that.  Perhaps the lesson here is... if you're considering buying a used bathing suit or mattress off of Craigslist, pack heat for pick up.  A sunburst mirror?  Yeah... you're probably good.

Anyway... I gave her the $125, wrestled that heavy, cumbersome, ridiculously sharp mirror into my swagger wagon and was off!  I was afraid she was going to take it back after she kept telling me that she'd spent over $400 on it and how much she loved it but they were moving and didn't have a space for it, yadda, yadda... whatever.  Once I got it home I realized I had a problem.  How in the world was I going to lift and hang a mirror that had three strange holes on the back and no one to help me do it?  Clearly it needed to be anchored into the wall.  This mirror's no joke... it's heavy.  And I really didn't even understand how it was intended to be hung.

So I came up with two options.  1) Offer one of the construction workers in the neighborhood building homes $20 bucks to help me hang it.  or 2) Ask super quiet, introverted dad across the street to help me hang it.  I would've gone with the first option but Chris was worried about the whole chopping-to-bits part I think so... I mustered up the courage to ask the neighbor.  And thank God I did because he came over today and HUNG THE MIRROR!!!!  I was so happy, I could've kissed him.  But I definitely didn't because I am married and his wife was standing next to me.

Anyway, I'm definitely not done decorating the mantle or family room, but here's a picture of it up... I'm just so happy it's hanging because I really didn't think it was going up until Chris returned!


  1. Beautiful! I love it and I love Craigslist is part of my nightly routine! Make sure you get the app!

  2. How beautiful! Well done you and neighbor you didn't kiss! Imma need to get on Craigslist now....Show me when you hang up the beach poster. I haven't done mine yet.

  3. sooooo jealous. so much cuter than my shim one. this looks FANTASTIC - great purchase, beth :)


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.