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Monday, March 5, 2012

You win some, you lose some...

So I decided that once Chris left, I was going to try very hard to 1) remain positive and 2) remain patient.  I think I'm doing a pretty good job of both and that's partly because I've decided to relax on certain things (well, a little bit).  For example, Henry wanted a cookie for breakfast this morning.  Normally I would've gotten into a full-blown discussion (read: argument) as to why that's a terrible decision first thing in the morning. Today, I simply handed him the cookie.  And you know why??  BECAUSE I WON THAT ONE... I made those cookies with applesauce and Salba, sucker!  For those of you unaware of Salba, it's this awesome super food (like flax seed or blueberries) and it comes in a powdered form that I sprinkle in anything I can get away with (baked goods, smoothies, yogurt) and the boys are none the wiser.  (I bought it off of Amazon but they also sell it at Whole Foods, etc.).  I was on a "flax seed kick" a few years ago that Allison and Chris gave me a hard time about because... well... the boys were having some "bathroom" issues as a result.  That doesn't appear to be the case with Salba.  Win, win.

This new, relaxed attitude holds true with the boys clothing choices as well.  I've learned to lighten up a bit about what they choose to wear.  I definitely prefer to pick their clothes (lest James wears shorts in 30 degree weather and Henry chooses a 2T Batman shirt and pajama bottoms to play outside in) but hey!  Whatever makes you happy.

I also need to get hot on taking the bottle away from Pete.  At 12 months, doctors recommend you switch over, not to a sippy cup anymore, but to an open-mouth cup.  Sigh.  Okay... add it to the list.  I probably also put Pete down for a nap a whole lot more than I did with the big boys but... here's the thing, he almost always falls asleep so maybe I'm the fool for not doing this with the other two.  Look, I need the break and I'll try to get one as often as possible since I don't have any friends, neighbors, relatives or even a babysitter I'm taking turns with!  As my girlfriend, Bobbe, asked me after spending the day with Pete, "Damn, girl!  Do you ice your arm at night? That boy is heavy!!"  Funny.

Well, speak of the devil, I hear Pete.  I guess he's not keen on taking a 3rd nap today after all.  Hmm... you win some, you lose some.   If you're ever at the Fayetteville Target (our home away from home), don't be surprised to see my partner dressed up like this...


  1. You're doing a great job with those boys- whatever you do is working! And who DOESN'T want three naps a day?

  2. I might think he was just trying on a costume from the store...snicker, snicker...

    I mean really who would let there child out in public like that?

  3. LOL - Beth, these stories are awesome ;-)


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.