Blog Archive

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Character Counts!

James was selected by his teacher as a "Terrific Kid" for showing respect and continuous good behavior in the classroom.  Here he is posing with his certificate before school today... of course it's impossible for him to stand still and just look normal for the camera.  ;)

James was so nervous he covered his face with the folder most of the time!

They had punch and cookies after the ceremony to celebrate!

Sweet boy!

The kids all got certificates and several coupons for
free kid meals (at Chick-fil-A, Wendy's, and Logan's Steakhouse)

Speaking of "Terrific Kid" awards, one child who would not receive a nomination is this guy...

Lollipop number 8...

Pumped because he knows Mommy will do just about anything
to keep him quiet during the awards ceremony...
to include doling out yet another lollipop!

Pete helped himself to PUNCH of all things...

I don't think our kids have ever had Kool-Aid... until today.

All kidding aside, we're super proud of James.  He continues to impress us with his kindness and character.  Way to go, James!!

Monday, September 24, 2012


So while our grocery shopping trip to Harris Teeter yesterday was just a notch or two above TORTUROUS, we did save a ton of money... without using one single coupon.  I was just about to throw the receipt away but couldn't pass up the opportunity to share!

In that one order, we saved $118.76 and I'll say it again... without a single coupon!  Speaking of coupons, do you all use them?  Do you get them from the Sunday paper or online or another source?  Maybe I'm just being lazy but it seems like soooo much work-- and all but impossible if I have the boys with me.  Now that Chris is home, I'm considering really trying to collect and use coupons (since I can leave the boys at home with him).  We go through food like crazy around here and I'm sure it would be smart to save when we can.

What's ironic is that even after spending $221.28 yesterday... when I went to pack the boys' lunches this morning, I came up dry.  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?  We didn't buy any yogurt... or applesauce... or raisins... or pretzels.  I'm blaming that on the boys though!  I can't think straight when Pete is trying to open everything to eat in the store and the big boys are asking at every turn if they can put this or that or this or that in the cart!

So I'll go back... again... to my home away from home.  Hopefully I'll remember to get the boys some lunch foods this time!  Otherwise, cheese and crackers make a meal... right?  It's not like I'm sending them to school with raw chicken and lollipops in their lunch boxes.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Sunday...

We didn't do much today... lots of playing football (with the boys), watching football (for Chris), a relatively disastrous grocery shopping trip (at a brand-new Harris Teeter, right at nap time, how stupid are we?), playtime with a brand new puppy (Cortney's sister-in-law made an impromptu decision to adopt a puppy while visiting!), a few meltdowns by Petey, and more playtime.  Pretty much a status-quo day around here.  Here is the day in pics...

Nico, Henry, and James made a "No Girls Allowed" clubhouse ala The Berenstain Bears.  Meanwhile, the only girl who ever plays at our house is Gabby and she usually wants nothing to do with the smelly boys anyway.  She and I are BFFs.  ;)  Oh, and Nico is currently in "jail" in these pictures...

Almost October and the flowers are still in bloom on the deck... hard to believe since I forget they're out there!

The super cute and super sweet puppy Gabby's aunt adopted!  The boys are very upset we didn't adopt him first.  :(

I came in to the kitchen and found Peter with a butter knife trying to....?

 Devastated I took the knife away...

The boys really enjoy playing football lately...

I mean, really... is anyone surprised?  No.  I know you're not.  Not even a little bit...

 Seriously... he was headed for bathtime.  How did he escape?!

Bathtime fun with food coloring... learning that blue + red = purple!

Here is what Chris found in Henry's pocket when he went to wash his shorts from today.  A small pencil, candy wrappers, a rock, 1/2 of a Lego man, and a bolt.  Hmm... that sounds about right.

A little country music and 2 cranberry, gin and tonics on the back porch to end the weekend...

I can't say the day was quiet or relaxing but it was good to be together as a family...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Army vs. Wake Forest...

Chris and Jeff Palazinni took the big boys to the Army vs Wake Forest football game today!  They left around 7am and just walked in a few minutes ago...

So pretty...

For reals.  Is he ever completely dressed??  

Go Army!

James looks cold!

Mr. Jeff, Nicolas, and James prepping for the 2 1/2 hour ride...


Bye!  Bye!

Unfortunately Army lost 37 to 49.... but it sounds like everyone, big boys and little boys, had a great time at the tailgate and game!  Better luck next game, Black Knights...

Hail and Farewell...

Last night we had our first Hail and Farewell with the Battalion.  For those of you less familiar with Army life, it is basically what the name implies... the Battalion Commander "hails" the incoming soldiers (and families) and "farewells" those leaving the battalion.  We had a really nice evening and it was fun getting to meet and talk with more of the guys Chris works with (and their wives).

The event was held at Chris's Steakhouse in town...

The pictures are a bit blurry because of the lighting in the restaurant...      

We sat with our good friends, Meagan and Jay Condrey.  Jay is the BN XO so he and Chris work closely together and Meagan and I try to get together as often as we can-- but it's never enough!  Jay just made BZ LTC (Below the Zone Lt COL) which is a really big deal!  Our fingers are crossed they stay here at Ft. Bragg.  I certainly don't want them to leave...

All in all, it was a nice night out!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Deep Thoughts by Henry...

Two nights ago, after reading books, and while snuggling before bed, Henry and I were talking...

Henry:  Mom?
Me:  Yes?
Henry:  What's the end number?
Me:  Huh?
Henry:  You know... the very, very last one?
Me:  Um.  That's a really good question.  I don't know... I think numbers just go on and on... there isn't really an end.
Henry:  Mom?
Me:  Yes?
Henry:  What's God's middle name?
Me:  Um.  That's a really good question.  I don't really know.  


And today, driving home from soccer...

Henry:  Mom?
Me:  Yes?
Henry:  Is 3 plus 1 four?
Me:  Yes.
Henry:  Watch... I can do it with my eyes closed.  
Pause while Henry dramatically closes his eyes super tight.
Henry:  3 plus 1 is 4.  See?  Watch again.  I can do it with one eye open and one eye closed.
Me:  Yeah, that's pretty cool.
Henry:  No, you aren't watching.  You're watching in front.  Look at me.  I can do the other eye now.  3 plus 1 is 4.
Me:  Yeah, I see.  And I can see you in the rear view mirror.  That's cool.
Henry:  Now I'm switching them.  3 plus 1 is 4.  Look at me!  I'm switching them.
Me:  Yes, yes, yes.  I see.  COOL!!!!


And, completely unrelated but still entertaining...

Several weeks ago the boys kept fighting over this black stuffed dog named, you guessed it, Baby Allie.  (I know, I know, cue the sad song...)  Anyway, they were driving me nuts fighting over Baby Allie for the obvious reason.  WE HAVE 100 OTHER STUFFED ANIMALS IN THIS HOUSE.  I walked in to the kitchen during one of those fights to this scene....

That would be Henry guarding Baby Allie with a hammer.  And, that's right... he wrapped Baby Allie up in Saran Wrap, on a plate, so James couldn't find her.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Practically genius...

So yesterday Peter tumbled and fell into something.  This is not unusual... it happens several times a day.   I didn't see the accident happen myself but he walked over to me boo-hooing and holding his head.  But what happened next is hysterical...

That kid went into the freezer, rooted around and found this Daily's frozen margarita bag and put it straight on his injury.  Ha ha ha!  I bought several awhile ago for when my mom was in town and had forgotten this was even in there.  How clever!

He fell again later in the afternoon and went straight to the freezer and brought out his trusty ice pack...

I mean, I don't know that hospitals should change their current ice-pack policy but damn, that kid might be onto something... especially since margaritas + injuries probably have a high correlation.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Boys will be boys...

Lately, there's been lots of this going on...

Which is why these (rare) quiet moments are particularly sweet...

I can say with almost 100% certainty that my sister and I never once tackled each other, sat on each other, body-pumped each other, wrestled each other, or purposefully ran into each other.  Pete is only 18 months and he does these things with his crazy brothers on a daily basis.

To quote my father, "Those boys are animals."

About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.