Blog Archive

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wax Museum...

Yesterday the 2nd grade at James's school participated in a Wax Museum.  Each child picked someone famous to research, dress up as, and talk about in front of the class.  James picked Albert Einstein.  We had fun reading about him.  Did you know that Albert Einstein didn't speak until he was 12 years old?  His parents and teachers thought he was slow and unable to learn.  He was a terrible student, getting kicked out of several schools for practical jokes (like releasing a rabid skunk in the classroom!  And another time he released bats!  Yikes!).

James dressed up as Einstein by wearing khaki pants, a white button down (as a lab coat), glasses, and-- his favorite part-- white hair dye for Einstein's signature, crazy hair do!

Albert Einstein with his special "potion."
(Otherwise known as a beer bottle... ha!)

James was so tickled about his hair and left for school smiling.  Not twenty minutes later, the phone rang.  Brrrrring!! Brrrring!!

Me:  Hello.

Mrs. Sanders (James's teacher):  Mrs. Midberry?  Hi.  This is Mrs. Sanders.  

Me:  Yes, hi!

Mrs. Sanders:  I know how important it is to you that James looks presentable.

Me:  Yes...???  

Mrs.  Sanders:  Well, I thought I should remind you that today is class picture day.

Me:  [Loud, audible sigh]  Right.  Of course it is.

Mrs. Sanders:  Do you want to pick James up before pictures to wash his hair out?

Me:  Is James upset by having his hair silly in the picture?

Mrs. Sanders:  No, he's excited about it.

Me:  Then that's how it'll be.  No biggie.  

Mrs. Sanders:  Great, James will be so happy to hear that.




  1. LOL!!! Oh my goodness!!! Who schedules picture day and a dress up day on the same day!! Thank you once again for a much needed laugh!!!

  2. That's totally crazy! I can't believe he would have been the only one to color his hair. My kids painted beards all over their faces for dress-up days, so imagine little girl bearded photos HAHA :)


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.