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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Marbles Children's Museum...

This morning I woke up with new-found gusto and excitement to tackle this thing called motherhood.

Okay… that's a load of bullshit.  Basically I woke up feeling like vomit was a little less imminent AND I wanted to kill an entire day's worth of time.  So I packed up the kids, gave them each their own goodie bag for the drive, took along a bag of books, and we took off to Raleigh to go to…

Marbles Children's Museum!  This place does not disappoint.  For only $4 per person, it literally entertained the boys all day long

"Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them." --Lady Bird Johnson

I absolutely love that quote.
And his sweet little face!

The museum has more activities and play centers than any place I've seen.  Henry loved the art center, of course…

Peter and James colored while Henry finished his water color…

All of the boys loved building their own cars and racing them!

The boys enjoyed splashing around in the water tables…

This pirate ship was totally cool!

The boys said the "Moneypalooza" room was their favorite of all.  It had tons of balls they could "shoot" out of different canons and this big piggy bank would fill with the balls and then release them all at once (similar to a water park)...

This photo angle means only one thing…
he made ME go up the maze and down the twisty slide.

My favorite area was the "Active Play Area."  It was awesome!

Pete liked balancing on a pretend surf board…

James loved lifting weights...

All three boys loved this ice hockey rink and played for about an hour straight…

Pete found the "dance area" and enjoyed dressing up as cheerleader…

Thatta boy ;)

These "cages" allowed kids to walk out and overlook the general play area on the floor below…

After the big Bollywood dancers left (which all three boys were infatuated with), they brought out jump ropes and hoolahoops for the kids to use...

Pete tried out a balance bike with general success…

The rings were a huge favorite of all the kids and had a constant wait line…

This chair required some arm strength… the kids had to manually pull themselves up and down!

Pete and I took a drive around town…

The boys constructed a shoot for the balls to go through...

James and Henry had fun playing "big" chess…

Peter enjoyed driving lots of different vehicles...

 Silly fun...

Honestly, these are just a few of the play centers.  The boys moved so quickly, it was hard to capture everything.  We had such a good day together and I'm so very glad we went…

In other news, check out Peter riding down the hill on one of the big kids' scooters.  Believe it or not, he's been riding down the BIG hill (up past Cortney and Summer's house) and going ALL THE WAY DOWN by himself.  Even though I tell him repeatedly NOT to go down the big hill, he gets such a positive reaction from all of the big kids (even they don't dare do it on a scooter!) that he's so excited, he does it again.

That baby is gonna give me a heart attack!!!


  1. It's funny to see Pete with kids his own age/height at the truck table- I never see that! He's always surrounded by bigger kids when I see him. Which is probably why he can fly down that street like a big kid. Hilarious little leg. :)

  2. You should share that video btw- it's so funny. He already knows he's cool. haha

  3. Third kids are amazing. They become so independent and so grown up...

    This museum look amazing! I hope that my children never tire of going to these. 1) Because the activity takes up an entire day. 2) I love watching them all find something they enjoy and love doing. 3) Because I actually like going too.


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.