Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Throwing bones...

Peter gets somewhat of a bad "rap" on this blog lately it seems.  Not that it's undeserving, but I should probably offer credit where credit is due.

When Peter is outside, he's completely entertained and independent.  He wants to run the neighborhood the way the big kids do.  He wants to play hide-and-seek, football, baseball, ride his bike and scooter up and down the hills-- basically, if the big kids are doing it, Peter is in the mix.

But if we're IN-side, well, his little body is as close to mine as possible.  That sounds cute.  Until you actually do it for an entire day.  Or two and a half years.  He is literally my shadow.  If I walk out of the room for even a minute, I can immediately expect to hear "Mom!!?  Moooommmm? MooooOOOOOmmmm?  MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!" until I return.

Think I'm kidding?  Come over.

So it has been an absolute God-send that Peter has taken to coloring.  The big boys have never cared for coloring and have always found a way to end as soon as they've begun-- but not Peter.  Peter is thoughtful, persistent, and determined to fill in an entire blank page.  I LOVE IT.

Without further ado, I present…. THE ORANGE PERIOD….

Look how he's almost completely
filled in the right side!  He has
entire stories that correspond to the drawings.

For those 15 minutes he colors every day, I am free as a bird (to go to the bathroom, take the trash out, empty the dishwasher, and all other glamourous things I do during the day.  What's funny is that those are the quick chores I really try to do when he's occupied as they take SO much longer with little helpful hands).

I'm as freeeee as a birrrrrd now….


  1. This kid's expressions are priceless! And what an artist in the making you have...perhaps you should introduce him to glitter? Can you even imagine the fun...

  2. I love it! That's really impressive for his age. :) Go Peter!


About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.