Blog Archive

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The play house is complete!

The two construction workers finished building the club house last night around 8:30pm!  They were insistent on finishing it, even thought it was 105 degrees and I told them repeatedly there was no rush.  Both men were in khakis and button-down shirts and I told Chris it looked as though they'd taken clothes out of the washing machine and put them on!  They were that sweaty.  James and I got them plenty of ice water, dinner, and snacks which they seemed to enjoy at least.  At any rate, the house is done and the boys love it!

Pete loves opening and closing the front door.

"It's tough work cooking for this crowd, especially without any utensils!"   
"I said... 'Order Up!'"

Henry found a frog of course.

Everyone playing together and getting along?  That's not a sight you see every day!  ;)

Funny how Henry and Pete just about balance the scales...
The boys are outside playing on their new toys with their friends now.   We're looking forward to having more playmates over soon to enjoy the fun!

Friday, June 29, 2012

A little summer cleaning...

There's a record-breaking heat wave hitting our area this week.  Fayetteville is supposed to reach 105 degrees today!  So what did I decide to do?  Clean out the shelving unit in the hot, stuffy garage!!  (Hey, I never claimed to be a brainiac.  Plus, I tried to look at the bright side-- I probably lost about 2-3 lbs in all the sweat that was dripping off of me.)


And After...

I don't care much for the colors of baskets I now that I see them up, but they were so cheap ($12 for all of them) so I figure it wouldn't be a big deal to switch them down the road.  They were wrapped up and packaged in the store so it was hard to tell exactly how they'd look in person.  No biggie.  At least it's nice to see the area somewhat tidy.  The sports equipment is at the bottom in a big basket; the sunscreen and bug sprays are all in one basket; car cleaning supplies are in a basket; my painting supplies are in a basket, etc.  I also switched out the plastic shelves on the left so they're all white instead of green (we have several upstairs that hold the boys' smaller toys so it was easy to swap colors.)  Now if you were to turn your head to either direction, it would still look like a bomb went off.  I'm saving that fun job for when it hits 106!  ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My lovely mom...

My mom is the most selfless person I have ever met.  She is always trying to give us her food (really, it's a running joke in our family), her clothes, her shoes... anything she's wearing, doing, or eating, my mom offers to share.  Megan and I laugh about it because she does it constantly.

Unfortunately her visit came to an end very early this morning.  She woke up at 3:40am to take a cab to the airport at 4:00am, to catch her flight that left at 5:30am, to ride the Metro from the airport to Shady Grove, to take a BUS back to her neighborhood, to then walk the rest of the way home.  All with her suitcase.  "I'll be fine!" she said.  "It's good practice."

She treats everyone with kindness, holds herself with such grace, and is so incredibly generous.  I just want to let her know that I notice... and keep it all in my heart.  We love you, mom.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More Before and Afters...

After spending the last several days working on the airplane, mom and I were soooo close to finishing it but not completely done.  The wing part required two people to push the metal bars together while a third person bolted the screws into the metal bars.  We weren't sure who to ask to help us (since both of our friends are out of town) but we lucked out when we arrived home from our girls' afternoon out.  The gardeners were just finishing up the yard and offered to help us.  In the end, the father and his two sons kindly finished it for us!!


And After...

"I knew we could do it!!"

"Oh thank God that's over!"
And here are a few pictures of Peter playing with the new water table Gigi bought him...

"Finally, a toy to myself!"

You may have noticed another change in the picture above.  I had 10 inches cut off of my hair yesterday!!

Before, in the Mop Heads parking lot...

And After...
It feels SO much lighter and fresher for summertime!

Today was a great day!  Mom and I took the boys to Olan Mills and got really cute pictures of all of us (Can you believe everyone was looking and smiling?!);  mom and I were able to get away for a few hours and go shopping by ourselves; the airplane is completely finished and WE DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THE REST!!  Next up... the play house.  Two construction workers are going to start it tomorrow... heh heh.  We wish them well.  ;)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Clearly we are crazy...

And by we, I mean... my mom.  :)  I should back track.  My mom flew down on Saturday to see us this week!  We were very excited for her to get here.  Here are the boys waiting for her flight to arrive...

James and Ninja Henry

Since I have been complaining about the boys not having anything to do in our backyard, my mom offered to buy the boys something fun.  Originally she bought them a play set at Sam's Club.  After we checked out the manager informed us that it's $600+ to have it delivered and installed.  Whaaat??  That's crazy.  So, we returned the play set.  We checked out a few more places before deciding to get a play house at Costco.  Except that Costco is an hour and a half away.  But, we decided it was worth it and loaded everyone up and got there early this morning.  Except this particular Costco was out of them.  (Yes, yes, I should've called ahead to verify they had the houses in stock.  Crap!)  But the boys saw a see-saw airplane that seats 7 children.  "We want it!!  We love it!!  We neeeeeed it!!"  "Yes," mom said, "Let's get it.  And let's drive the 20 minutes to the Durham Costco to check out the play house which the sales clerk said is currently on sale."   Sale!?  Did someone say SALE??  Mom was sold.  Off we went.  Except 20 minutes was really more like 45 minutes away.

One hot dog, 3 ice creams, 1 frozen mocha, this play house, and we were off to check out...

And then reality hit.  The trunk was already filled with the huge airplane box.  Crap!  But wait!  "I think our seats fold away" I told the teenage guys who were going to lift the enormous box.  Shew.  As it turned out, some of what Chris told me about the car actually sunk in.  (Must be by some passive osmosis process because I can assure you I wasn't actively listening when he told me about the fold-away capability.)   At any rate, after several minutes of jiggling the boxes around, both fit.  Well, "fit" as in twine made them fit.  Which also meant James's seat didn't.  So he rode up front with me and my poor sweet mother rode on the floor in between Peter and Henry's carseat.  For two hours.

And then reality hit.  Someone has to put these things together.  Crap!  "Oh, it'll be fine.  It'll be fun!" my mom said.  Hmmm... the boys wanted us to put the airplane together first.  We left our house at 9am today, got home at 4pm, and worked from 4pm until 9pm on the airplane... not to mention that it was 100 degrees here today and we assembled it outside.

We probably have half of it put together.  The first one.  But then we have that house to assemble.  The house that comes with 41 pages of directions.  It's a good thing I really, really love my mom.  Okay... and I really, really want the boys to have something to play with outside.  But damn!  Couldn't we have just gotten 3 of these bears and called it a DAY??!!  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Henry's Habitat...

Henry continues to find baby frogs and baby lizards... everywhere it seems.  Here he is with his new habitat for the creatures he and James found this morning.

As you can see, one of the frogs is in the "pool." And the white napkin is their "bed."  The "hideaway" space was created and added a bit later today...

Holding up one of the lizards for me to see...

And here are the frogs Henry and Jonathan found yesterday...
It's unbelievable, right?
Henry has always been fascinated by animals.  I think we may 
have a future veterinarian or biologist on our hands!  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pop Quiz...

Anyone care to guess what this is?  I found it on my bedroom wall this morning...

I bet you're getting good at these quizzes by now.  Who guessed bubble gum??  If so, YOU WON THAT ONE!  It really was easy enough to remove but it made me shake my head.  Why?  Why would someone stick bubble gum on the bedroom wall?  Just... why?!?

Sooo....anyone care to guess who's the culprit?

I know you all got that question right.  I didn't even have to poll my housemates.  I'm quite certain we all know who is to blame...............................


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How did she do it??

Back when Chris and I were in junior high school, we had a good friend named Brendan Palmer.  His mother had... not one, not two, not three, not four, but count them... five boys.... and Brendan was the oldest.  We all thought she was such a bitch.  She was a bitch.  But now.  Now I see the light... OF COURSE SHE WAS.  She was exhausted.  They had beaten her down mentally and physically and emotionally.   SHE.WAS.EXHAUSTED.  It's funny, especially since we've long lost touch, but I have thought of her so many times since having my three boys.  I feel the need to look her up on White Pages and say, "Look... I know I'm two short, but I get it.  I really get it."

I don't know why, but these children have driven me to the BRINK these last two days.  What's funny is that James was at camp all day so you'd think I'd be refreshed when I saw him again this afternoon.  Nope.  Day camp poses its own issues since he comes home completely worn out and cranky from being in the sun all day.  And Henry... he went to Little Gym camp for 3 hours this morning, but I spent the majority of that time trying to keep Pete from falling asleep or melting down since I stayed "out" and therefore, he missed his morning nap.  I realized on Monday it is too far to drive to Little Gym (20 mins away), then all the way home and then all the way back to pick Henry up, and then all the way home.  I spent the entire 3 hours driving the other day which defeats the purpose of a break.

Of course when I picked Pete up from the gym daycare (at the Healthplex), the kid jumped into my arms and waved goodbye to the staff like he'd just carved his way outta Alcatraz with spoons.  Really!?  You're that miserable?  They have every single Little Tyke/ Fisher Price toy known to man and the staff couldn't be any sweeter or kinder to him.  And it's only for one hour... I ain't buyin' it.  

So that takes us to this afternoon when Chris called for the first time in a week.  Normally I'd be super excited to talk with him except I'd just found Henry outside (again!!) without asking permission.  This sounds harmless enough except that just this morning he'd let himself and Peter (without any clothes) outside while I was lacing up my running shoes.  They were out of my sight less than 3 minutes.  "Where did those precious children run off to?" I thought to myself.  Ahhh, yes... to the porta-potty.   Pete was up the street, at a porta potty, BY HIMSELF.  And did I mention that he was wearing nothing besides a diaper????  

So then it was a special treat when Peter decided he only needed an hour and a half nap (when usually he takes a 3+ hour nap).  What to do?  What to do?  It's 98 degrees here so "Let's go buy a kiddie pool" I told them.  I loaded everyone up, drove to Target, bought said pool, blew air into it until I thought I was going to faint, sprayed everyone down with SPF 100, wrangled fat little bellies into too-tight swim suits and rash guards (and why?  Why are swimsuits always a size too small?), wrestled the little pool out of the house while answering not one not two not three but one thousand questions from Henry about every single step we made, filled pool up with water, watched them play for 10 full minutes and then wanted to strangle them when they decided they'd had enough.  They were done.  They were covered in grass... and water... and mud... and done.... with soaking wet clothes.  And dirty, muddy feet all over the house.

And, lucky us, we still have the bedtime ritual to look forward to.  Lord, please let me not beat my children.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The big boys both started summer camp this week!  James (and his friend, Nicolas) are going to an outdoor camp all week.   Camp Rockfish is about 10 minutes away and sounds incredible!  The boys rotate between a bunch of cool activities-- archery, canoeing, swimming in a lake, swimming in a pool, arts and crafts, fishing, BB guns, games, and field trips!  We drop them off around 7:30am and pick them up around 5:30pm.  When I picked them up yesterday they were covered in dirt and smiling-- exactly how summer camp should be!  Today they went on a field trip to the Airborne Special Ops Museum downtown.

The entrance...

Riding through the forest to get to the camp...

At pick up today...

They look beat, don't they?

Henry went to camp at The Little Gym yesterday and will go again tomorrow, from 9-12.  He's pretty bummed he can't join the big boys (you have to be at least 5 years old).  I keep reminding him that he'll be able to go next summer but it's a tough sell.  We did get a new Spiderman big boy bike for him today though!  With all of the construction going on, I don't feel comfortable with him riding his small Kettler tricycle anymore.  I'm afraid they won't see him.

Henry trying out his new Spiderman wheels...

And here's Pete smelling the flowers and watching his big brother ride...

Tomorrow is another day of outdoor camp for James, Little Gym camp for Henry, and Mommy's gym "camp" for Pete for an hour!  We hope this finds you enjoying summertime too.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day...

This Father's Day is a sad one.  Exactly one year ago today, on Father's Day, my dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.  Today also marks 3 months since he passed away.

This picture was taken a little over a year ago, right before he was diagnosed...
I miss him.  I really do... I miss hearing his voice and talking with him and getting his opinion and just knowing he's there.

Chris is also gone, which makes Father's Day harder...

Chris is everything I knew he'd be as a father... loving, patient, and kind.  From every day, little things to the very big moments... Chris always does the honest, right thing and I believe that is the most important example to set for the boys.

On a happy note, Grandpa and Ita came down for a visit this weekend so we were able to celebrate Father's Day with them.  We had a great weekend together!

The big boys love wrestling with Grandpa and try to "pin" him...

Grandpa brought out James's BB gun for him to shoot...

While Marta and I were getting a pedicure, the boys were also busy...


Look what Grandpa found in our backyard-- 
a real Indian arrowhead!  Super cool.

I'll spend this Father's Day thinking of the two most important men in my life... Chris and my dad.  I love and miss them so very much.

About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.