Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pete turns 2!!

Thank you to everyone for making Peter's 2nd birthday so special!  

Who doesn't love a Carvel ice cream cake?
Totally brings me back to my own childhood birthdays...

The softest jacket from Aunt Judy and Uncle
Charlie... I'm so glad he finally opened it.
He needed it!

Pete's new car from Gigi... he loves it!!

The cutest backpack and lunch box
from his brothers...

A super cool cape from Mommy and Daddy...

Looking for snacks
to put in his new lunch box...
Ready for 2-year-old preschool next year!

Oh!  But aren't we all!?  :) 

Thank you for all of the wonderful birthday gifts I didn't get pictures of... the snuggly bunny Aunt Megan and Uncle T sent, the fun "stomp rocket" from Nico and Gabby, the clothes and toys from Aunt Barbara and Cousin Laura, the Matchbox cars from Grandma Scaggs, and the generous birthday money from Grammie Jackie!  He loved everything!!  Hugs and kisses to you all.  XOXO

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...


1.  I made it to the ship in time!!!  I ran the entire length of the Miami airport, jumped into a cab, told the driver to drive as fast as he could, ran up the plank, and found Allison there with thumbs up waiting for me... all about 30 minutes before the cruise ship took off!!  It was close and started the trip with a bang!

2.  All of the time we got to spend together.  I honestly loved every minute.

3.  The "pub crawl" on board the first night.  We had a ridiculous amount of fun!

We went to 5 bars in about 2 hours and got a different drink at each spot... 

4.  The super cute and cool girls we befriended the first night... Natalie, Jessica, Catherine, and Alex.


1.  It rained ALL day on Saturday.  We did get into one of the hot tubs for about 30 minutes but there was zero sun-bathing to be had on this trip.


1.  Poor Allison woke up with a stomach bug on Saturday and proceeded to throw up ALL day on Saturday and Sunday.  It was awful and I felt just terrible for her. What crummy timing, to say the least!

When I came back from running on Sunday, this is how I found her... so sad.

Fortunately the girls we met on Friday night were kind enough to invite me to join them all weekend (since Al couldn't even eat!).

On Saturday there was a dance party we went to...

Those girls LOVED taking shots!  The only difference is that the recovery period is much shorter for 26 year olds!

On Sunday the sun came out and Al was feeling a little better in the morning, so we got off and walked around Nassau...

Allison was such a trooper and tried so very hard to "will" herself to feel better.  Even though she wasn't feeling good, we still had a fantastic trip.  We laughed and laughed and talked and talked... it was just what we needed.

I love you, my sweet friend!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Dadism:  Be nice to your mother.

My mom and dad would have celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this past August.  They met in high school when they were 16 years old.  Dad was in the wrestling club and mom was writing a story about the sport for the school paper.  Dad thought she was beautiful and had big boobs.  And that was that.

They got married when they were 20 years old, bought their first home at 24, welcomed me at 25, and my sister, Megan, three years later.  They drove two Chevettes-- an orange one and a brown one and the orange one even had air conditioning and a working radio.  They were proudly living the American dream... 2 kids, 2 cars, 2 jobs, and a house of their own.

My dad always knew he was going to die young.  He just did.  As a result, it was incredibly important to him to save money and prepare for the future in case mom ever had to raise us alone.  Looking back, it was one of the kindest, most self-sacrificing things he and my mom did for all of us-- investing and saving so much, for so many years, even when times and money were tight and they had no one to turn to for help.

That's not to say he didn't like splurging on my mom.  One time my dad surprised my mom with a brand-new black Corvette, complete with a license plate that reads "TINYS" (his nickname for her since they were teenagers)!  Pretty damn cool.  She still drives it today.  He would also tell her to "Buy whatever you want, Tiny" and loved having her model the new clothes she bought.  My mom loves to find a deal though and the two of them would laugh at how much she was able to buy for next to nothing.  Stores have actually paid my mom to carry stuff home!

That's not to say my father was a saint... or easy to live with for all those years.  Then again I'm quite certain no one I've ever met is.  My mom comes closest I imagine and dad knew he won the lottery by marrying her.  What I know for sure is this... it would absolutely break his heart to know how much his absence is hurting my mom.  It would devastate him.

Although we all wish theirs had been a longer story, I am certain he is in heaven watching over my mom and all of us...

Friday, February 15, 2013


we're off!!  Well, not just yet... but soon!  My bathing suits, sunscreen, and sundresses are all packed; the trip documents are printed; I have lots of cash and a passport in my wallet (already sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it?! Ha ha.).  The only slight, itty-bitty problem is that my flight doesn't land until 3:15pm and the boat actually takes off at 5:00pm.  Yes... takes off.  As in pulls away from the dock.  So wish me lots of luck that all of my hard work at the gym pays off and I can HAUL ASS through the Miami airport, find a cab, drive to the port, run with my luggage, and jump on the ship before it leaves.  But did I mention that they don't let anyone on board after 3pm?  Just a teeny tiny line we happened to overlook when booking.  :-/  Hee hee... again, with the luck-thing.  Let's hope it's on our side.


Thursday, February 14, 2013


Now I know there are some of you out there whose kids request okra, beg for more spinach, and plead for celery over chocolate.  That's not the life I lead.  And those aren't the children God gave me.  Now, my kids do love eating fruit.  In fact, they're trying to put us in the poor house with as much money as we spend on fresh berries.  But veggies?  Eh-eh.  Unless you count corn-on-the-cob in the summer (which, let's be honest, is hardly a vegetable when it's drowned in butter and salt), green stuff doesn't grace their lips.

Except for Peter.  Peter loves broccoli.  He even requests broccoli ("Eye-an broc." which means "I want broccoli.")  Now I'm pretty sure he's related to the other two, but...

He did look around the room like I was crazy when I asked him if it was his favorite :) but he sat there and ate almost every single piece!  I only give Peter broccoli at lunch time, when it's just the two of us.  Because you know the second the big boys see him eating it, they'll start make vomiting noises and he'll never eat it again.

But I have proof... proof that there was a time he loved broccoli and that eating green veggies doesn't kill you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rainy Wednesday...

Let's see... it's rained all day so far and we can't find Pete's Bun-Bun or suckie.  This is proving to be a lonnnnng day and it's just now 2pm.  I have looked EVERYWHERE.  He actually misplaced his pacifier yesterday so we're going on 24 hours without it now.  He slept with Bunny last night but somehow it vanished this morning.  I've looked under every piece of furniture we own, in bathtubs, in sinks, behind clothes hanging in our closet, under every bed, under every blanket, in toy bins, in toy baskets, in the big boys' room, in the boys' playroom, in the guest room, in our room, in the coat closets, in the laundry room, in the hampers, in the garage, at Cortney's house, in the stroller, in the car... and then I re-looked in all of those areas at least 10 times.  You get the idea....I've looked everywhere.  And what should I be doing? I should be cleaning and packing and getting ready for my trip.  But now Henry is also home from school, Pete hasn't napped, and I've done nothing (except my Spin class this morning-- ha!).

Things that make me smile on rainy days like today... (You should be able to click on each individual picture to read it more clearly.  And, yes, I'm talking to you, Blind Mom, Aunt Barbara and Aunt Judy!  Hee hee...)

Hope they brought a smile to your face too!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One guess...

where I'm heading with one of my best friends this Friday!

Okay, I'll just tell you.... ON A CRUISE!!!!!!  

That's right!  Allison (Campion) and I leave on Friday evening from Miami, FL on a 3-day Caribbean cruise on Norwegian Cruise Line and WE CANNOT WAIT!!!

All we want to do is hang out by the pools and beaches, sleep in, eat meals we didn't cook, drink fruity drinks, and talk and talk and talk.

We may....

but I can assure you we won't be...

...doing ANY-thing kid related!  Nope.  Nada.  Ain't happening.  Hell, we may even sunbathe on the nude deck to make sure we don't see any runny noses or swim diapers.

So while Chris and her hubby, Greg, are on survival mode, Allison and I will be here... soaking it all in.    Bon Voyage!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Round Up...

We had a nice, relaxing weekend.  Uncle Craig was in town and stayed with us Thursday- Saturday.  We had a really nice visit together... made even nicer by the fact that a babysitter kept the boys while we went out for a kid-free dinner together on Friday night!  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of his visit but he is somewhat like a celebrity over here with the boys.  They can't get enough of him!  Here are a few snapshots I did get this weekend...

I caught Pete drinking out of the milk carton.  I mean, really??!  

James used birthday money from Aunt Megan to buy this Nerf gun vest.  (She'd be so proud.)  I think the only time he took it off all weekend was to sleep...

We went to church on Sunday...

Over and over again I tried telling Peter that raw biscuit dough doesn't taste good, but he had to learn for himself...

Pete left a little snack for Charlie...

And, for the very first time, Peter wanted to sit on the toilet!!  He didn't go potty, but he tried.  And, in case you're wondering, that would be toilet paper he dunked in the toilet to show us.  Special, right?

So there you have it!  Our weekend.  Hope yours was "relaxing" too!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

American Legion Evening...

I have been sorely neglectful in posting these pictures from two weeks ago.  Every year the American Legion recognizes an active duty soldier for their commitment and dedication to our country.  This year, Chris was the honored guest at his father's post.  My mom, Aunt Barbara, Uncle Larry, cousin Laura & Keith, along with Chris's folks, of course, were just a few of the people in attendance.  It sounded like a wonderful evening.  Here are a few pictures...

The plaque Chris received reads:
This award is presented to Major Christopher J. Midberry in recognition and grateful appreciation for serving in the United States Armed Forces in the name of freedom and democracy, and for allegiance to God and country in courageously protecting our liberty and independence.

About Me

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I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 energetic, funny, sweet, and crazy boys. I married my best friend, Chris, and love our life together. The Army is sending him overseas soon so I thought this blog would be a great way for him (and the grandparents!) to keep up with our hectic life. Unfortunately the Army keeps us too far from family and most of our friends so hopefully this will help us stay connected.